Drew and I have been taking fish oils for a while. There is a lot of information out there about FCLO and its benefits. Modern Alternative Mama and Modern Alternative Health both have great information in their archives. Some believe it, some don't. I have seen definite improvements in my health and my family's overall health with the addition of FCLO to our routines. Sometimes I taste the "fishyness" when I swallow and sometimes I don't. Our immune systems have been amazing since we started taking them and we had been kicking around the idea of starting the girls on them for a while. Paired with our shift towards Real Food and healthier living, FCLO was a logical supplemental step for all of us.
After the Christmas Crud took out both girls and Drew, we decided that while their diet and supplements helped to fight off sickness quickly, they needed an extra boost to keep them well. We ordered more FCLO from Green Pastures for us and added a bottle of oil for the girls. I was worried that the girls wouldn't want to take it or would fight the taste. We decided to get the liquid cinnamon oil for the girls because it offered the best taste and was well received in other children by what we read online.
We also did NOT call it Fermented Cod Liver Oil. Seriously, who really wants to put THAT in their mouth. When I approached the dinner table with the dosage for the first time, Miss Moo asked me what I was telling her to take. I told her the first thing that popped into my head, "Magic Medicine." My thinking was twofold. One, she was getting over being sick at the time, so she equated medicine to making her feel better, not to tasting badly. I also know that my girls love anything magical, so medicine that would magically make her better was a win/win.
That was the first week of January. This week marks the last week of February. Both girls still take their magic medicine. Moo reminds me when I have failed to give it to her. Everyone has recovered and stayed healthy despite being exposed to many sick friends and family- some who have even had the flu. I certainly don't think it's the FCLO alone, but I do know that it has helped.
So, if you've been curious, give it a try. You will be surprised at all the benefits you receive as you change your diet and your lifestyle.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Mommy Guilt - I Worry They Don't Learn Enough
Sometimes, I worry that I'm not teaching my girls enough. Our structured school time isn't happening as often as I'd like it to be. We do "school" 2-3 days a week. I try to remind myself that if they were in preschool, that would be exactly the same amount they would receive there, but its not easy for me to accept. I feel like I fail on any day that we don't sit down to a table to have school.
We do lots of learning that isn't traditional by many people's standards. We cook- measuring, mixing, applying heat, timing dishes. We do laundry- sorting colors, following directions, learning processes and being able to repeat them, gross motor skills. We color a LOT. We build a lot. We role play a lot, especially with their magnet paper dolls. And we follow whatever interests the girls display on a given week - maps, sharks, butterflies. We read, discuss, and talk CONSTANTLY.
However, I spend time worrying that they aren't learning what they "should" be at their ages. Miss Moo can count and do simple addition and subtraction, but she still struggles to recognize and identify numbers correctly. For Miss Roo, every color is blue- so she is occasionally correct when we do color matching but seems to have problems retaining the correct colors long term.
And then, there are days like today. While on a trip to gather a stockpile for the pantry from Trader Joe's, Moo saw a dotted circle around a logo on a can. She picked it up, pointed at it and said, "Mommy look! We need to trace this line!" She then played with another girl her age at the mall play area and was able to interact,communicate, and lead with no problems. She assisted in counting and unpacking all our goods and telling me how many were left and where they belonged in our pantry. She also sat down with her Tag Reader and attempted to read with it as Tinker Bell shared her story.
For Roo, we talked about colors constantly on our errands, but she rarely got them correct. Walking into Hobby Lobby feeling deflated as a mother, she looked up and saw an E in the words on the side of the building. She told me that E stood for her.
"Good job, Roo! What about Moo?"
"M is for Moo Moo!"
"Yes, and who else?
"Good job, Baby Girl! And what about Daddy?"
"D for Daddy!!"
So, yes, we could do more structured learning. I could force them to sit daily and memorize more facts and standards at the ages of almost 3.5 and almost 2. We could play with flash cards in a standard manner, only follow a set, recommended curriculum, and ignore the interests, learning styles, and strengths our girls display. Or, we could keep doing what we're doing, spend as much time together as we can, and realize that my little girls will only be little for a short time. I want to enjoy it with them rather than worrying that we're lacking in our learning time together.
They're learning and that's the goal.
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Playing magnet paper dolls with Daddy. |
We do lots of learning that isn't traditional by many people's standards. We cook- measuring, mixing, applying heat, timing dishes. We do laundry- sorting colors, following directions, learning processes and being able to repeat them, gross motor skills. We color a LOT. We build a lot. We role play a lot, especially with their magnet paper dolls. And we follow whatever interests the girls display on a given week - maps, sharks, butterflies. We read, discuss, and talk CONSTANTLY.
However, I spend time worrying that they aren't learning what they "should" be at their ages. Miss Moo can count and do simple addition and subtraction, but she still struggles to recognize and identify numbers correctly. For Miss Roo, every color is blue- so she is occasionally correct when we do color matching but seems to have problems retaining the correct colors long term.
And then, there are days like today. While on a trip to gather a stockpile for the pantry from Trader Joe's, Moo saw a dotted circle around a logo on a can. She picked it up, pointed at it and said, "Mommy look! We need to trace this line!" She then played with another girl her age at the mall play area and was able to interact,communicate, and lead with no problems. She assisted in counting and unpacking all our goods and telling me how many were left and where they belonged in our pantry. She also sat down with her Tag Reader and attempted to read with it as Tinker Bell shared her story.
For Roo, we talked about colors constantly on our errands, but she rarely got them correct. Walking into Hobby Lobby feeling deflated as a mother, she looked up and saw an E in the words on the side of the building. She told me that E stood for her.
"Good job, Roo! What about Moo?"
"M is for Moo Moo!"
"Yes, and who else?
"Good job, Baby Girl! And what about Daddy?"
"D for Daddy!!"
So, yes, we could do more structured learning. I could force them to sit daily and memorize more facts and standards at the ages of almost 3.5 and almost 2. We could play with flash cards in a standard manner, only follow a set, recommended curriculum, and ignore the interests, learning styles, and strengths our girls display. Or, we could keep doing what we're doing, spend as much time together as we can, and realize that my little girls will only be little for a short time. I want to enjoy it with them rather than worrying that we're lacking in our learning time together.
They're learning and that's the goal.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Current Mama Update
Here's a snapshot of where my pregnancy is now:
- Gestation: 34w 5d
- Weight Gain: 38 lbs
- Fundal Height (as of Friday) - 34cm
- Baby's Heart Rate: 130s-140s
- BP:120/82
- Cravings: mostly savory with ice cream in there at night
- Swelling: Left foot when I do too much during the day
- Pregnancy Tea
- DoTerra Vitamins
- Probiotics
- Garlic
- Vitamin C
- Alfalfa
- Apple Cider Vinegar Mix in the bath water or peri-bottle after showers
- 8-10 plus glasses of water daily
- leg cramps at night
- swelling
- tail bone pain
- sciatica
- heartburn
- Braxton Hicks
- back contractions
My best guess is that he's gonna be early, somewhere between March 31st and April 2nd. But, we'll see :)
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Sunday Planning Looks Different
Usually on Sunday nights, I sit down and work out a meal plan. Lately, the only planning that has been going on around here revolves around two little girls and the arrival of a little boy. I'm planning out the next month so I know what activities I can and can't do as I continue to grow rounder and need to stay closer to home. I'm planning a trip to NanaPop's to see MeMe one more time as a trio of girls. I'm planning the rest of the cleaning of the house. I'm planning how to attempt to keep my blog going the last 5.5 ish weeks of the pregnancy and with a newborn because that's proved challenging already.
I'm also making lists. Lists of what we still need. Lists of what we buy where. Lists of what the girls do each day. Lists of what is in the pantry and the freezer. A small list of what one Mr. E. Bunny will bring the girls. Lists, lists, lists.
I love nesting. I love having the house together. I love the organization. I worry how quickly it will all disappear but try not to think about that as I make progress.
But mostly, I spend time wondering who my son will resemble more- me or Drew. I wonder if he's going to be bigger than his sisters. I wonder if we'll get a blonde baby since we've already had a redhead and a brunette. I wonder if his feet will be as big as the ultrasound tech said. And I wonder how long it will be until he is in my arms.
I'm also making lists. Lists of what we still need. Lists of what we buy where. Lists of what the girls do each day. Lists of what is in the pantry and the freezer. A small list of what one Mr. E. Bunny will bring the girls. Lists, lists, lists.
I love nesting. I love having the house together. I love the organization. I worry how quickly it will all disappear but try not to think about that as I make progress.
But mostly, I spend time wondering who my son will resemble more- me or Drew. I wonder if he's going to be bigger than his sisters. I wonder if we'll get a blonde baby since we've already had a redhead and a brunette. I wonder if his feet will be as big as the ultrasound tech said. And I wonder how long it will be until he is in my arms.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Catching Up- Modern Alternative Health February 2013
Heart Healthy Kids
February celebrates two major heart events -Valentine’s Day and American Heart Month. Signs are present on our outings encouraging us to wear red and make heart healthy decisions. As a parent, there are so many recommendations thrown at you regarding children’s health and nutrition that it becomes overwhelming. As I’ve educated myself about my girls and my health this pregnancy, I’ve looked at the Hearth Healthy recommendations (low calorie, low fat, etc.) with extremem caution. As a Real Food family, we have come to make our own decisions regarding children’s heart health. Here are the guidelines we follow.
Please, read the whole article by clicking HERE.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Catching Up- Modern Alternative Pregnancy Post February 2013
Focus On The “Two Of Us”: Maintaining Intimacy During Pregnancy
Image by NaturegirlJolieツ
By Malissa, Contributing Writer
Intimacy in any relationship can be tricky. Let’s be honest- life happens. Jobs cause stress, schedules are full, families can be demanding, and we all have times when we just struggle with one thing or another. Add a pregnancy into the equation and it can make the idea of intimacy overwhelming with all the changes going on in your body, your mind, and your life. I can honestly say on pregnancy 3 for us, it isn’t any easier and it’s not a topic that you can always talk to your friends and family about.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Caught Up!
All of my guest posts for February are done and 1/2 of my posts for March. That means that writing time for the next few days can be HERE!! I am so excited to get back to writing. Please hang around!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
We Were Baby Prepping...
With a great amount of help thanks to another visit from NanaPop. They headed home today, much to the girls' dismay, and things are returning to "normal" as we finish up nesting and settling in for Baby Boy's arrival. Today I am 33 weeks. 4 weeks from full term and 7 from our due date. If I make it to April, I will be surprised.
Bake on little boy, we're looking forward to meeting you very soon!
Bake on little boy, we're looking forward to meeting you very soon!
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Wordless Wednesday: Kitteh in a Basket!
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Modern Alternative Mama: February 2013
Little Things For Little Ones: Making Your Preschoolers Feel Loved
Image by Mairi Stephen.
February is already here and love is in the air! Whether you enjoy the hearts, candy, and greeting cards or you prefer to see the 14th come and go quietly, love is an unavoidable topic this month. As we prepare to meet our newest family member in the next month of two, the topic of love has been recurring in our house. Drew and I are trying our best to make our girls feel special in these last few weeks before their brother is born. Here are a few of the things we do to make our girls feel loved now and as our family grows.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
My Girl is Home!
Miss Moo is home. She and her sister have been running around screaming ALL NIGHT.
Thankful for a bedtime full of girls. And also for the quiet it brings. :)
Thankful for a bedtime full of girls. And also for the quiet it brings. :)
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