Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sunny Spring Sunday

The girls (and Daddy) napped at the same time today, so I was able to accomplish some desperately needed spring cleaning. Our family room is 2/3 done and I have bags of gently used (and mostly plastic) toys to be set out on our porch for the Veterans tomorrow. Once they are asleep I hope to quickly finish up in that room to prepare for the week to come.

I also cleaned and vacuumed Miss Moo's old car seat in order to install it in the van for Miss Roo.

 It was a bit bittersweet taking out the bucket that has carried both of my sweet baby girls and accepting that we are creeping out of babyhood towards the toddling months to come. I am reminded daily how much Roo is changing. Each morning promises a new skill. Today she has mastered standing on the bed without holding on to anyone or anything and at dinner tonight she clearly asked for "Fish". Her personality flourishes as she attempts new things and acts silly with her sister. Seeing the joy shared between them always melts my heart.

We were also productive as a family today. After naps we went onto the back porch to plant some seeds to begin our garden. Moo helped me set up and plant lettuce, spinach, sweet basil, and beans as well as a one big pot for our tomatoes. We also planted cat grass in some foil loaf pans that fit nicely into our Easter baskets. ( I saw that idea at Pink and Green Mama- BRILLIANT!)  Having dirt under our fingernails felt great. Daddy was also able to work on our compost pile and we were able to talk about how we were going to make the soil even better for our plants by making new soil for them. Moo was very excited - and very messy.

As we spend more and more time outside and I see how engaged Moo becomes in all the beauty of nature. I have been researching the Waldorf style of education for a while as we do plan to home school.  I want to be sure to use a curriculum that suits us best as a family.  Moo does enjoy basic "academic" play but loves to be outside collecting treasures and finding ways to play with them. Dragons are also pretty cool to her. We need creative outlets and to focus on the process not the product.

 It is my goal this week to create a nature table in our family room with her help and to increase our shift at home to the Waldorf style.  Our table will help us study and discuss the seasons and begin to develop a rhythm together.  Perhaps we can use that momentum as a way to create something for Roo's big day!!

Ahhhh, Spring!

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