Friday, August 31, 2012

Let's go on an adventure, DADDY!!!

After nap Miss Moo was very excited to play in the small kiddie pool and huge yard at NanaPop's. She bailed water, giggled with her sister, dug with an excavator, and snacked on apples. She was greatly enjoying her afternoon as Nana and I chatted on the deck and relished some of the last moments of the season. Soon she turned to me and asked to go on an adventure. Then she remembered that Daddy was here with us this trip.

"I've never been here with my Daddy before!* He can go on an adventure wiss me!!!"

Pretty soon the trio completing our small little family were swinging, exploring, and collecting pine cones.  There were giggles, laughs, and sunny memories made.

Not a bad way to see you sneak away from us, Summer. Don't be a stranger.

*He HAS in fact been with us to NanaPop's plenty. Mostly it occurs around holidays when it is cold and there are lots of relatives to visit. ;)

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